Category: Computer Hardware & Software -> Software
Country: All countries
  MapInfo Professional is a Geographical Information System which connects database information with spatial objects on the map. You can put your data on the map and analyze them considering its spatial diversity, relationships and trends. Among the variety of MapInfo functions, the most useful are:
* GEOCODING use geographical information hidden in your database like address, zip-codes, city name, etc. to locate the data on the map; thanks to that you will SEE WHERE is you data: customers,[...]  Details...   Vertical Mapper works seamlessly with MapInfo Professional to display your data in a continuous surface - a grid - with data representations at any given cell on the surface. Use Vertical Mapper to visualize elevation, see the crossection, analyze point-to-point visibility or create a viewshade.[...]  Details...  Brush Your Ideas, a Magento extension come online product design tool has been developed to make buyers innovative and offer creative product customization solutions. The product is paired with robust features and advanced specifications which give buyers a blissful online shopping experience with a number of products to choose from.
Buyers can design T-shirts, Mugs, Covers of Mobile and Laptop, Business card, Greeting Cards, Posters, upholstery and the list is endless! Users can use artwork[...] Details...  VirtoSoftware designs and builds innovative web parts for Microsoft SharePoint 2007 & 2010 & 2013 and Office 365 apps.[...] Details...  VirtoSoftware designs and builds innovative web parts for Microsoft SharePoint 2007 & 2010 & 2013 and Office 365 apps.[...] Details...